Optical Properties of Gallium Indium Antimonide (GaInSb)

GaInSb - Gallium Indium Antimonide

Optical properties

Infrared refractive index (300 K)
Refractive index n versus photon energy. 300 K
1. x=0 (InSb),
2. x=1 (GaSb)
(Adachi (1989)).
Normal incidence reflectivity versus photon energy. 300 K.
1. x=0 (InSb),
2. x=1 (GaSb)
(Aspnes and Studna (1983)).
Wavenumber dependence of the reflectance for different alloy compositions. 300 K.
1. x=1, 2. x=0.84, 3. x=0.6
4. x=0.3, 5. x=0.05, 6. x=0
(Brodsky et al. (1970)).
The absorption coefficient versus photon energy. 300 K.
1. x=0 (InSb),
2. x=1 (GaSb)
(Aspnes and Studna (1983)).
Intrinsic absorption edge for different alloy compositions of n-type (curves 1,2) and p-type (curves 3-6). 300 K.
1. x=0, 2. x=0.07, 3. x=0.36
4. x=0.7, 5. x=0.78, 6. x=0.97
For n-type samples electron concentration no~2·1017÷1018 cm-3.
For p-type samples hole concentration po~1018÷6·1019 cm-3.
(Rousina et al. (1990)).
Absorption coefficient versus photon energy for different doping levels. x=0. (n-InSb). 130 K.
no (cm-3): 1. 6.6·1013, 2. 7.5·1017, 3. 2.6·1018, 4. 6·1018.
(Ukhanov (1977)).
Absorption coefficient versus photon energy for different doping levels. x=1. (p-GaSb). 77 K.
Na (cm-3): 1. 2.9·1017, 2. 5·1018, 3. 1.8·1019, 4. 3·1019.
(Iluridze et al. (1987)).