Basic Parameters of of Gallium Arsenide Antimonide (GaAsSb)

GaAsSb - Gallium Arsenide Antimonide

Basic Parameters at 300 K

Crystal structure Zinc Blende
Group of symmetry Td2-F43m
Number of atoms in 1 cm3 (4.42-0.89x)·1022
Density (5.32 + 0.29x) g cm-3
Dielectric constant (static ) 12.90 + 2.8x
Dielectric constant (high frequency) 10.89 + 3.51x
Effective electron mass me 0.063 - 0.0495x + 0.0258x2 mo
Effective hole masses mh 0.51 - 0.11x mo
Effective hole masses ml 0.082 - 0.032x mo
Electron affinity 4.07 eV